TM255 EMA Cancelled!
I’ve had an email from the OU saying that the EMA has been cancelled, they will make up our module result from our TMA results, they said they will factor in things such as the current pandemic, so far my TMA results have been 71 and 98 I have not finished TMA 03 yet but I hope I will do ok on that. Another option is to defer the module until next year but as I’ve said on my facebook group – the thought of repeating this module is making me break out in hives!! 🙂
It has not been my favorite module but now I wish I deferred this one and carried on with TM254, as that module has a proper sit down exam which has been bloody cancelled!
I will of course up date you when I have completed TM 03, I dont have to had it in until the 30th April but I may need an extension – time will tell!
Good news for a change. Did you know there is now an OU Bsc Cyber Security?
I am looking to transfer, as all the modules I have studied so far are also part of this Degree 🙂
Now that’s interesting! I wonder if you can tag on for your last year? If so I wouldn’t mind a shot at that instead. What modules did you do?
Yeah, it is good news – depends on which way you look at it, I was thinking of deferring until next year, but I really do not want to repeat this module!
I do find cybersecurity interesting but not enough to do a degree in it! which modules have you done Ian?
Happy days for the cancellation of the EMA! I’m struggling through the report for TMA03, not my forte! Also have a bunch to catch up on TM257 to complete the PKA activity for the residential school substitute, but shouldn’t be too bad really. How have you found the course so far?
I’m quite happy about the cancellation of the EMA, as long as I do well in TMA 03 I’ll be fine. I’ve written 1062 words so far! I’m just writing the “acceptability” paragraph, But I’m finding it tough. This module has been bittersweet for me. I found encryption and cybersecurity most interesting, the rest of it I have really found pretty boring if I’m honest.
I did TM257 last year, I really enjoyed that module, have they cancelled the EMA for that? I am one of the admins of the Facebook group for TM257
Good luck with both modules 🙂
Hello all.
Finished the TM257 EMA, just TM255 essay to do – aaghhhhh
Doing TM257, TM255
So all in Cyber Security Path.
I’ve done the same apart from I did TU100 which became TM111 112
So anyone got TMA03 mark yet?
I needed an extension for the report – just struggled so much with it.
I haven’t had the result back yet, but I spoke to my tutor and he said that they have been given longer to mark the TMA’s, so I recon it will be a while yet
I struggled with the report too, I just hope it’s enough fingers crossed
One of my team got their result yesterday so they may start trickling through. Pinkies crossed.