TMA 03 Returned, Exam done and Going forward


TMA 03 Returned

I Had TMA 03 returned, surprisingly I scored 81% this was much better than I expected hence the subtitle!. This TMA had a fair bit of group work involved but only two other team members engaged in the project. I got good feedback from my tutor telling me where I went wrong – like always. My tutor is great and to be honest considering she is tutoring this pile of **** of a module she has been supportive and answered all the silly questions I have had. Of course, once I had the TMA back I did relax for a few days before trying to cram in some revision. I have never revised for an exam before and I didn’t really know how to do it. I just read through the material again and my notes.

Exam Done

Again, I have written this post much later than I intended I’ve been revising for the exam which was today. I took it at about 09:00 it took me 4 hours and 4 minutes! So I was getting close to the deadline before I started to get a penalty for a late submission.

I hope I have done ok with the exam of course I won’t know until I get the result back – the pass threshold is 30% so as long as I get that I’ll be happy. There are a few questions I know I have completely got wrong but I had to move on and complete the examination. I attempted all the questions, I’ve done my best and now I want to enjoy my summer.

Moving Forward

I have been thinking about whether or not I want to carry on with my OU journey. This module has done me in and I am exhausted. This is my last stage two module, so assuming I pass this module I should still be able to get my foundation degree. I set out on this journey to prove to myself that I have what it takes to go to university and I think I have done that by getting this far and getting good grades also.

I am going to send an email to the SST and see what they say, I am also aware of my mental health and again, I don’t know if the pressure of studying is contributing to my issues (I won’t know for definite until I do something about it) I have a couple of months to make a decision, I may feel differently in a few months and want to carry on with it. I spoke to my partner about it and he said that he will support me whatever I want to do. He asked if I stop, will I regret it later on, and also I am getting student finance so if I stop now, I will then have to pay for any future modules myself.

If you are interested (whoever is reading this) I will keep updating this site with my plans, otherwise, this blog will either become and ghost town or just my personal blog, full of boring stuff I do on a daily basis e.g. sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat… you get the idea! lol

I will leave it there for now, and I hope you all have a great summer

