
Thoughts about TMA and updates


I haven’t really got much to say to be honest, apart from that I submitted TMA3, and so that is me done for the summer. In actuality, I submitted my TMA about 3 weeks ago but it has taken a while for me to get around to update this blog. ! It wasn’t my favourite TMA of all time as there was a lot of report writing; I much prefer practical work.  I have now got the summer free from studying but I can’t go or do much because of the lockdown.

I have, however, enrolled on a little IT course on One Education it deals with IT management and networking which includes cybersecurity as well, I thought it would keep me busy during the lockdown, I am about halfway through it and then at the end, there is a 40 question test. I am pretty familiar with the majority of the course content, not so much so with the cybersecurity stuff. I found out about One Education from a friend of mine who enrolled on a mechanics course. I had never heard of One education before then.

So, I am now waiting for the results of my TMA, I spoke to my tutor and it turns out that the tutors have longer now to mark them, not the usual two-week window. I assume that once the TMA’s are marked, the OU will then work out what our overall module score will be. I am hoping for something over 70%, if it is less than that then I will be a bit disappointed but it will still be a pass as long as its over 40%. I will just have to be patient and wait and see. I re-read my TMA the other day and it looks as though I have covered everything that needs covering, I’m just not too sure about the appendix I only put in one and I don’t know if I went into enough detail.

I have had good assignment scores so I should be fine, I can’t worry about it as I won’t get the result until at least July I would have thought.

I have just finished a Udemy course on the Linux command line (CLI) I have used Linux quite a bit and it is what runs on my home server. The distro flavor I use is Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 LTS I know that version 20.04 is now out, but I will wait a few months before I decide to upgrade. I also have Ubuntu Desktop on my spare Lenovo Thinkpad, it is getting old now but still works well as a dedicated Linux box.

I hope you all have a great summer considering the current crisis, and please stay safe!

James xx