TMA 06 Marked! Module Results are in!

I’ve Passed!

I have been worried about my module result as I thought that my EMA was rather rushed due to the circumstances I found my self in. I am pleased to say that I past the module comfortably.

You don’t get much in the way of feedback but they tell you if you have done something wrong they just don’t really say what! I will of course most my module result letter and the feedback as well as my completed EMA or for some reason they called this EMA TMA06, god knows why it was and End of Module assignment so why not call it what it is?

This result has given me a confidence boost as I know, now, that I can accomplish anything even if I have a load of crap coming at me from different angles.

My overall task score was set as “Value A’ which means a score of 85 -100% I got a couple of value B’s which is 70 – 85% i think but overall I am so pleased and proud of myself.